Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rocket Piano by Ruth Searle Review

If you're looking for a way to learn the piano via online lessons then Rocket Piano might be what you're looking for. The author of the program is a classically trained solo pianist called Ruth Searle. She has had more than fifteen years experience playing is now trained to a grade 8 in Solo Piano.

Thousands of people worldwide have now used the unique Rocket Piano course to quickly learn the piano but have fun doing it at the same time. The Rocket Piano course comprises of three books with step-by-step lessons and has a large selection of sound files that you can follow along with. The lessons have been designed to take the budding piano player through the beginner stages on to the advanced stages through a fast-tracking, fun course.

Here some of the features of Rocket Piano course:

There are 218 lessons that guide you step-by-step through the process from beginner to advanced stages of playing piano. You are shown these best ways to practice your piano playing so you can conquer new material quickly. Using the lessons you will be able to smoothly and flawlessly play the piano but with only half the learning time of other piano courses.

50+ videos lessons. Its like having your very own piano teacher on hand as you are shown the techniques you should be using via high quality videos.

Over 130 audio files to listen to. With these audio files you will hear exactly how every song should sound when you play it. You will understand the tempo and timing of each piece.

Some of the other features of the Rocket Piano courses include the piano book courses you're given as part of the course. Once joined you will receive not only the Rocket Piano course but Jazz, Gospel, Spirtual and Hymns books. Through the use of these additional books you will learn how to play many different styles of music on the piano.

Also as part of the Rocket Piano course you get software that will help you read musical note. The program is called Jayde Muisca Pro. As notes fly across your screen you have to do your best to recognize them. This program will take you from the beginner to advanced stages of reading music notes.

Another piece of software that comes with the Rocket Piano course is the Chordinator. This program shows you how read piano chords and over time you will be reading piano music just like you would a book or magazine.
related work:
Rocket piano

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